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JISC Grant Funding 08/09: Access & Identity Management
Update time: 2009-08-11
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  The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) invites institutions to submit proposals for projects in two areas of JISC activity under the Access & Identity Management Programme: Innovation and Level of Assurance.


  Access & Identity Management: Innovation

  Total Funding of £1M

  Max Funding per project of between £50,000 and £150,000

  Project Duration - 6 to 15 months

  Access & Identity Management: Level of Assurance

  Total Funding of £0.6M

  Max Funding per project of between £200,000 and £300,000

  Project Duration – 12 to 15 months

The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is 12 noon GMT on Monday 19th October 2009.
The JISC is holding a community briefing event where potential bidders will be given information about the background to the call, its objectives and the bidding process. Attendees will also have an opportunity to ask questions of JISC Executive staff .This meeting will take place Thursday 17th September 2009 in Birmingham. Members of the community are invited to register for the meeting online from 7th August 2009. More information is available from http://www.jisc.ac.uk/events/2009/09/aimcallbriefing.aspx1

  Proposals may be submitted by Higher Education (HE) Institutions funded by HEFCE or HEFCW.  FE institutions in England that teach HE to more than 400 FTEs are also eligible to bid provided proposals demonstrate work that supports the HE in FE agenda. HE and FE institutions in Northern Ireland and Scotland and FE institutions in Wales are not eligible to bid but may be involved as partners in proposals led by HE institutions funded by HEFCE or HEFCW or FE institutions in England which meet the criteria outlined above.


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